iPhone Rebates, Price Reductions & Credits for Early Adapters

Steve Jobs and Apple have decided to start selling iPhones for $399 (for 8GB models) that were originally $599 barely 2 months ago.

Some early adapters are furious… i’m sure. i’m ok with it. i don’t usually get technology early for this very reason… that’s life. at least there is promise of $100 in Apple credit for folks like myself.

i knew the whole ‘refurbished’ iphones for $499 was a crock… it seems like Apple might have shaky knees about the number of units they’re moving. i’m guessing the first month of sales were huge… as widely reported… and then the bottom fell out. afterall when the smoke settled the people waiting for days before the iphone release got their iphone a whopping 3 hours before me… when i casually walked into an Apple store and plucked 1 of a gazillion from the wall.

anyhow, here’s Steve Jobs trying to keep the angry early adapters settled: