Free Credit Report

is your credit good? is it bad? is it non-existant?? < < sounds like a commercial for a car dealer huh? actually, u can get a free credit report right now, so long as u don't live in the northeast USA (if so, then you'll have to wait until September 1st). no playing around! i don't see it doing me any good, but i figured somebody out there might find this valuable. the website setup by the 'BIG 3' is, but if you think it might be some kind of scam you can read about it from the good ole Federal Trade Commission :

6 thoughts on “Free Credit Report

  1. Man i tried it and it didnt let me. but like i care if my credit is good or not. I just buy everything CASH w00t!

  2. hey corey… what was the explanation? were u missing some info? was this recently?

    i’ve haven’t tried it myself but i’m curious why it wouldn’t work.

    also… cash is the way to go, but i’m thinking about getting a house soon and settling my rambling bones down so i gotta make sure my credit is cool. i’ll prob give it a run soon to see if it works for me.

    if anyone else has a good or bad experience using the site please post about it!

  3. well.. my father in law used it and got all of his stuff… worked like a champ without any problems… i donno if that helps you or not, but there ya have it.

  4. Just checked mine out. Had no problems getting mine except for experian. After submitting everything, it said it couldn’t show me my info online, but gave me a form to print out and mail in. Dunno what that’s all about. But good info none-the-less. Definitely gonna take advantage of this once a year.

  5. cool… good to hear that it is indeed working as expected (for some)

    uh corey i think your credit must be horrible… u broke the site… haha… just kidding… actually i hope it’s not that would suck big time!

  6. i really dont know whats up with it, i really must have real bad credit. haha oh well i am kind of afraid to see whats in it anyways..


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