Programming – Buster Collings build, measure, learn, share & enjoy Sun, 27 Dec 2020 17:50:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simple Countdown Timer and Stopwatch with Laps for Bash Thu, 03 Mar 2016 22:18:23 +0000 Continue reading Simple Countdown Timer and Stopwatch with Laps for Bash ]]> There are a lot of decent, small shell scripts for creating a simple timer or simple stopwatch. Yet, I needed a bit more than the ones I found on Google, so of course, I made some of my own.

My simple stopwatch for Bash lets you create laps, pause and gives you a total elapsed time. Keep in mind, it’s all presented in seconds.

stopwatch with laps for bash

My simple timer for Bash just countdowns the number of seconds you provide and then beeps. Like my stopwatch script, it’s all based on seconds so that there aren’t a bunch of command line arguments to deal with.

countdown timer for bash

Cordova Tip: Automatically Open Web Inspector for iOS Simulator Wed, 03 Feb 2016 17:44:06 +0000 Continue reading Cordova Tip: Automatically Open Web Inspector for iOS Simulator ]]> How many times have you painfully, manually opened Safari Web Inspector after starting the iOS Simulator with `cordova emulate`? Too often. Me too. No more.

I found a nifty osascript gist then tweaked it a little and put it inside a shell script `ios-sim-inspector`.

Then, I added a couple of new Cordova aliases to my bash profile (leveraging a couple of existing aliases)

## Existing Aliases ##

# Run iOS Simulator
alias corem="killall Simulator || echo && cordova emulate"

# Build and Run iOS Simulator
alias corbem="killall Simulator || echo && cordova build && cordova emulate"

## New Aliases with Web Inspector'ing ##

# Run iOS Simulator with Safari Web Inspector (for Debugging)
alias coremd="corem && ios-sim-inspector"

# Build and Run iOS Simulator with Safari Web Inspector (for Debugging)
alias corbemd="corbem && ios-sim-inspector"

Now you know how to painlessly open Safari Web Inspector after starting the iOS Simulator with Cordova emulate from the command line.

jsFiddle Player to run, save and download combined CSS, JS and HTML Wed, 16 May 2012 02:27:24 +0000 I created a very simple Chrome extension, jsFiddle Player, that allows you to save the combined CSS, JS & HTML output of a jsFiddle. I personally wanted an easy way to download the resulting rendered web page.

jsFiddle is a great tool, hopefully you find jsFiddle Player to be a helpful Chrome extension.

Yes, No, Don’t Care – Urtak Asks Simple Questions Wed, 19 Oct 2011 21:26:17 +0000 Urtak is a nifty little tool. It’s free and I must say can be a little bit addictive.

I’ve created a simple feedback collection for Buying Concert & Sports Tickets Online

Scope it out here!
